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File Sharing Phishing Threat Expands Rapidly Warns Abnormal Security

File-Sharing Phishing Threat Expands Rapidly, Warns Abnormal Security

Threatening Trend

Abnormal Security, the AI-native human behavior security platform, has raised a significant concern regarding the dramatic increase in file-sharing phishing attacks. According to their recently released H2 2024 Email Threat Report, these types of attacks have surged by a staggering 350%.

Exploiting Trust

File-sharing phishing attacks capitalize on the trust associated with popular file-sharing services. Threat actors craft emails that seemingly originate from these platforms, making them appear legitimate to recipients. By clicking on malicious links or opening infected attachments within these emails, victims risk compromising sensitive data.

Additional Findings

The report also highlights the persistent threat of traditional Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks, which saw a 50% rise during the same period. Threat actors continue to refine their methods, using sophisticated tactics to bypass email security measures and target specific individuals and organizations.


To combat this growing threat, Abnormal Security recommends vigilance and proactive security measures. Individuals and organizations should: * Verify the authenticity of emails and attachments before engaging * Implement strong email security solutions * Regularly train employees on phishing awareness * Use a multi-layered approach to security, combining technical measures with human expertise


The alarming surge in file-sharing phishing emphasizes the evolving nature of cyber threats. Threat actors are exploiting the trust associated with everyday services to launch sophisticated attacks. By remaining vigilant and adopting robust security practices, organizations and individuals can effectively protect themselves against these malicious attempts.
