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Body Temperature And Activity

Animal Size and Shape: Limits and Adaptations

Body Temperature and Activity

Animal body temperature is closely related to its metabolism and life activities. Animals that have higher metabolic rates, such as birds and mammals, typically have higher body temperatures than those with lower metabolic rates, such as amphibians and reptiles. Body temperature can also vary depending on the animal's activity level. For example, animals that are actively running or hunting will have higher body temperatures than those that are resting.

Body Plans

Animals come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, each with its own set of adaptations that allow it to survive in its environment. Some of the most common body plans include:

  • Radial symmetry: Animals with radial symmetry have a body that is symmetrical around a central axis. This type of body plan is found in animals such as jellyfish, sea urchins, and starfish.
  • Bilateral symmetry: Animals with bilateral symmetry have a body that can be divided into two mirror-image halves. This type of body plan is found in animals such as insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals.
  • Asymmetry: Some animals, such as sponges, do not have a definite body plan and are said to be asymmetrical.

Limits on Size and Shape

There are certain limits on the size and shape of animals. These limits are imposed by a variety of factors, including the animal's environment, its metabolism, and its anatomy. For example, animals that live in water can be much larger than animals that live on land, because water provides buoyancy and supports the animal's weight. Animals that have high metabolic rates, such as birds and mammals, typically have smaller bodies than animals with lower metabolic rates, because their bodies need to be able to dissipate heat quickly.


Animal size and shape are closely related to their environment, metabolism, and anatomy. These factors can impose limits on the size and shape of animals, but they can also lead to a wide variety of adaptations that allow animals to survive in their unique environments.
